Oh hello to my embarrassing corner of the world

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Ok, here goes. I am going to share with the world what I have kept a secret for almost everyone. I have become very good at hiding, lying, isolating, and loads more, just to avoid telling people my embarrassing secret: I have a tummy that’s not yummy. I have recently been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease. Yes, IBS. But I have probably lived with it for 10-15 years. I didn’t even share it with my doctor until recently. However, when I ask «Dr. Google» I find out that around 10-15% of the worlds population struggles with the same embarrassing issues. Why am I feeling so alone then?

Anyways, this will be my way of starting to leave my shame behind and share all the weird and not som weird things I have tried to cure my IBS on my own. I have tested so many things – some that has helped a bit, some more, and a lot that has had no effect whatsoever.

I am hoping that my experiences can help you – or that maybe someone out there (one of you among the 10-15%) can give me advise to share, things to test or just some friendly support in a sometimes lonely run for the toilet.

And last, but not least: follow me through my experience with FMT. In November I am scheduled to try Fecal Microbiota Transplant, and I will share my «adventure».

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